
ASPIRE Webinars

ASPIRE will be running a series of webinars starting from October 2020.

View Webinar plans and register for the respective Live forum sessions here.

Impact of COVID-19 in an ART Laboratory

In the middle of world COVID-19 pandemic, medical professionals in the ART field need to know if the virus can affect reproductive organs and if the infected organs will lose their functions. If the answer is yes, is it a permanent damage or just a reversible interference? [...]

19 November 2020|0 Comments

Non-Invasive PGT-A: Part 3

Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) with trophectoderm (TE) biopsy is widely used in IVF for detection of aneuploidy embryos. However, the potential safety concern regarding biopsy and unknown long-term effects on embryos may restrict and limit this application. In recent years, a reliable, safe and effective [...]

12 November 2020|1 Comment

PGT-A: Part 2

As technology of Preimplantation Genetic Testing has now becoming more established, it raises new aspect of potential and issues that will be discussed in our current webinar. PGT-M, as one of the pre implantation technology to identify unaffected embryos in monogenenic diseases, has opened the opportunity to [...]

5 November 2020|0 Comments

PGT-A: Part 1

In this webinar, we have invited two experts - Professor Santiago Munné from Spain and Professor Yanwen Xu from China, who will be sharing with us more on PGT-A. Professor Santiago Munné will be speaking to us about PGT-A in the presentation titled “Are Aneuploidy Rates Affected [...]

29 October 2020|3 Comments

Add-ons in the ART Lab: Part 2

This webinar series will emphasize the essential role of embryology laboratory in ART procedure since 70-80% of pregnancy depends on oocytes and embryo quality. After four decades and the first IVF pregnancy in 1978, several developments of technology has been achieved. We are facing the issue on [...]

15 October 2020|5 Comments